
This module is used to bundle records, the article focuses on online forms mainly the Income Statement form. The reason to use this module is due to the high daily intake of income statements and having to print them one by one.

Rather create a scheduled task assigned to bundle them together.

Then the user can have all the income statement attachments in single PDF files using the Print Bundle module.

How to use the module:

Login  -> Data Manager -> Print Bundles

Each separate bundle is been compiled based on different Sites. Where each item ID will consist of attachments from each site's online forms and when you click on the ID, it will download a single PDF file with all the attachments compiled into the item bundle.

You can also list the type of site using filters.


1. The table TR_PrintBundleDef list the sites.

2. This table TR_PrintBundleDefRecordType lists the PrintBundleDefID based on the RecordID which is the OnlineformDefID.

3. The records in TR_Onlineform that are compiled onto the bundle are based on the SiteID column

The TR_onlineform table records the online form

4. Which will then create a Bundle in TR_PrintBundle based on PrintBundleDefID

5. The compiled Instance will then be posted on TR_PrintBundleRecords which contain the online form ID on the RecordIsntanceID column.

6. Creation of a Bundle using a scheduled task for PrintBundleGeneraterJob

Each bundle is defined using the PrintBundleDefID

7. Each print Bundle has status on TR_PrinBundle for Column Status. Therefore when running the above task PrintBundleGeneratorJob it will only mark this status as Inprogress=2

10. The bundle will be marked as Completed by only running the PdfGeneratorJob task which will pick up all the statuses of Completed=3 or if there is an error as Error=5

Once the status is complete the user will be able to view the bundles in the front end.

11. Once the user prints the bundle there will be an audit mentioning if it was downloaded in TR_AuditPrint BundleDownloads with the userID and download date.

What is the task we need to perform?

The customer will request us to manually create a bundle based on the site. So we need to find the PrintBundleDefID that is required. The solution will be to perform Step#6 and Step#10

1. We create the bundle using mentioned in Step#6 PrintBundleGeneraterJob which will create the bundle

2. Then perform Step#10 to create the PDF